New Entry RDN index design


The Entry RDN index was introduced to have efficient modrdn operations where subtrees are moved to a new superior. If the dn of each entry is stored in the entry and the access to the entry by dn is managed by the entrydn index this would require to update each entry in the moved subtree and also update the entrydn index.

With the entryrdn index only the rdn of the entry is stored in the entry. This allows moving a subtree without needing to update any of its entries.

The drawback of this is that whenever an entry is read from the database its dn needs to be constructed. or if a dn is used to udentify an entry in an update operation the id corresponding to this dn needs to be determined. The entryrdn index implements these features, but

This document proposes a new implememtation of the entryrdn index which reduces complexity and works with LMDB: no duplicat keys, no sorting of values required

Records in database

Parent records:

key: eID 			# id of an entry (with children)
value: pID, eRDN  		# parentID of the entry
			# rdn of the entry
			# format could be identical to rdn_elem struct

parent records are used to determine the DN of a given entry if we start with an entry found by id2entry and just want to generate the dn of this entry these records are required only for entries with children

Entry records.

Every entry is uniquely defined by its RDN and parent id. entry records are used to find the entry id for a given dn.

Key: eRDN;pID  	# RDN of the entry, parentID of the entry
		# alterantively : pID;eRDN , would allow range searches on pID if required)
Value: ID;  		# the  ID of the entry

a special case is the entry record for the suffix. Key is suffixDN;0



This function is called when an entry is read from the datbase and has no DN (only RDN). If the entry is read also the parentID of the entry is available, but generating the DN has to be done after parsing the entry.

input params: eRDN, pID

pID = 0;
dn = entryRDN; 
while (pID != 0) {
    db_get (key=pID, &data);
    pID is data.pID;
    dn = concat(dn,data.pRDN)
return dn

The construction of the dn starting with an emtry could be done without a special index, the information is a available in the id2entry db itself and the dn could be constructed by recursively reading the parent entries. If the parents are in the entrycache this would be the method with the least overhead, but havibg to load a sequence of parents to generate the dn could result in a excessive cache loading. A simple compromise without overhead would be doing just one cache lookup, no extra loading:

if (parent = cache_find_id(pID))
    dn = concat(eRDN, parent.dn)
    dn = entryrdn_lookup_dn(eRDN,pID)


This function is called when the entryID for a given DN needs to be found

params: dn

split dn to (rdn(N),..., rdn(1),suffix)
get (key=suffix,&data)
while (i<N) {
    db_get (key=rdn(i);id, &data)
    id =;
return id;

index operations for ldapoperations


nothing to do


add <rdn;parentid> record
if first child add <parentid> record (can be handled when parent's numsuboridnates attribute is initialized


delete <rdn;parentid> record
if last child delete <parentid> record
TODO: tombstones


no newsuperior

delete <oldrdn;parentid> record
add <newrdn;parentid> record
if entry has children
    replace <entryid> record


delete <oldrdn;parentid> record
add <newrdn;newparentid> record
if has children (parent.numsubordinates > 0)
    replace <entryid> record
    delete <oldrdn;oldparentid> record
    add <newrdn;newparentid> record
Last modified on 2 April 2024