
Replication between a supplier and a consumer is handled by a replication agreement thread runnning on the supplier side. This thread runs a replication protocol session that basically acquires exclusive access to the consumer suffix, send updates (if any) and releases the consumer suffix. If send updates last long, others suppliers will fall back in backoff state for quite long period.

This scenario would not create issue if send updates state effectively sends updates but with fractional replication, we can imagine that a full send updates state will only evaluate updates to skip (because of fractional replication). The replication state (RUV) of the consumer at the end of the session would be exactly the same as it was at the begining of the session. So next session will start at the same point, will last long to finally skip all updates…

To address this issue there were different options (keep alive entry, add fractional RUVelement in RUV, force pause of replica agreement, log warnings,…). It was decided to create/update keep alive entries.

The keep alive entries is used to prevent this issue with the following mechanism. In the context of fractional replication, if a replication session skip all updates and the number of skipped updates is greater than a fixed threshold (100), then the keep alive entry is updated. This update will not be skipped by fractional replication, so in such session the update of the keep alive entry is replicated. As a consequence, the replication state (RUV) of the consumer will progress and next replication session will no evaluate the skipped updates.

Use Case

In a fractional replication topology, a supplier is receiving majority of the updates. For example, a skipped attribute is updated at each bind. The replica agreements of that supplier will be frequently waken up (by updates) but replication session will send no updates (all skipped) and others supplier are going into backoff longer and longer. So updates received by those others suppliers will appear very late on the consumers because supplier have few chances to acquire the consumers.


keep alive entry

A keep alive entry is a ldapsubentry, that means this entry is only visible if the search filter contains (objectclass=ldapsubentry).

In a given replication topology (for a given suffix), there is 0 or 1 keep alive entry per supplier and a given keep alive entry is associated to one supplier (its RDN contains the replicaID of the supplier).

A keep alive entry is created/updated on demand, so by default a supplier will not create its keep alive entry.

The keep alive entry is looking like

    dn: cn=repl keep alive 14,dc=example,dc=com
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: ldapsubentry
    objectclass: extensibleObject
    cn: repl keep alive 14
    keepalivetimestamp: 20170227190346Z

Where 14 is the replicaID of the supplier and keepalivetimestamp contains the last time the protocol decided to update the entry.

keep alive entry creation/update

Keep alive entry is created:

For example, let Supplier_1 (ReplicaID: 1), Supplier_2 (ReplicaID: 2), Supplier_3 (Replica_ID: 3). All in fractional replication. When Supplier_1 does a total initialization of Supplier_2, it creates cn=repl keep alive 1,dc=example,dc=com first. So at the end of the initialization, both Supplier_1 and Supplier 2 contain cn=repl keep alive 1,dc=example,dc=com. Then Supplier_2 does a total initialization of Supplier_3, Supplier_2 first creates cn=repl keep alive 2,dc=example,dc=com. So at the end of the initialization, both Supplier_2 and Supplier 3 contain cn=repl keep alive 1,dc=example,dc=com and cn=repl keep alive 2,dc=example,dc=com. A later replication session Supplier_2 to Supplier_1 will detect that Supplier_1 does not know cn=repl keep alive 2,dc=example,dc=com and will replicate it. At the end M1,M2 and M3 will all contains keep alive 1 and 2 but not keep alive 3 that was not created because M3 did not initialize any consumer.

Keep alive entry is updated:


Major Configuration options



This design is related to replication see Design

updates and Upgrades

Keep alive entry is regular LDAP entry (although ldapsubentry), so creation/update is replicated through regular replication in all versions



Last modified on 2 April 2024