Enhanced Account Tools Design


The following entry account tools need to work with the Account Policy Plugin

The Account Policy Plugin uses a state attribute(typically lastLoginTime), and an inactivity limit to determine if an account is “inactive”. The account tools can now correctly identify these accounts as being “inactive/active”, as well as correctly activate them when using ns-activate.pl.

Several new features have been added to ns-accountstatus.pl

Use Cases

These enhancements make account management easier and more robust for Directory Server administrators.


Account Policy Plugin Interaction

The Account Policy Plugin uses Class Of Service (COS) to apply inactivity limits for user entries. In order to obtain the actual limit for a user you must find and query the COS template for that particular user. Then the script will perform the same calculations that the plugin uses in order to properly identify if a user is “inactive” or not. When the account is inactivated because of inactivity a more detailed message is returned:

uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com - inactivated (inactivity limit exceeded)

Possible entry state messages:

Another enhancement to “ns-accountstatus.pl” is that verbose information about an account can be displayed using the option (-V). Here are some examples when the Account Policy Plugin is enabled:

Here is an entry that is “inactivated” because it has exceeded the inactivity limit

Entry:                   uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Entry Creation Date:     20160204153140Z (02/04/2016 10:31:40)
Entry Modification Date: 20160204160545Z (02/04/2016 11:05:45)
Last Login Date:         20160204160546Z (01/04/2016 11:05:46)
Inactivity Limit:        2592000 seconds (30 days)
Time Until Inactive:     -
Time Since Inactivated:  85877 seconds (23 hours, 51 minutes, 17 seconds)
Entry State:             inactivated (inactivity limit exceeded)

Here is an example when the entry is “active

Entry:                   uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Entry Creation Date:     20160204153140Z (02/04/2016 10:31:40)
Entry Modification Date: 20160205163904Z (02/05/2016 11:39:04)
Last Login Date:         20160205163905Z (02/05/2016 11:39:05)
Inactivity Limit:        2592000 seconds (30 days)
Time Until Inactive:     2591688 seconds (29 days, 23 hours, 54 minutes, 48 seconds)
Time Since Inactive:     -
Entry State:             activated

This is a description of each “attribute”:

If the Account Policy Plugin is not enabled, the verbose output will look like this:

Entry:                   uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Entry Creation Date:     20160204153140Z (02/04/2016 10:31:40)
Entry Modification Date: 20160205161606Z (02/05/2016 11:16:06)
Entry State:             activated

Getting The Status of Many Users

A new feature is that you can now specify a search base (-b), filter (-f), and scope (-s base, one, sub Default is “sub”) for retrieving the status of many users. Using these options ignores the “-I” parameter.

ns-accountstatus.pl -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -f "(&(objectclass=PosixAccount)(uid=*))"

Finding Only Inactivated Users

A new option (-i) can be specified to signify that only “inactivated” users should be displayed.

ns-accountstatus.pl -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -f "(&(objectclass=PosixAccount)(uid=*))" -V -i

Entry:                   uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Entry Creation Date:     20160204153140Z (02/04/2016 10:31:40)
Entry Modification Date: 20160204160545Z (02/04/2016 11:05:45)
Last Login Date:         20160204160546Z (01/04/2016 11:05:46)
Inactivity Limit:        2592000 seconds (30 days)
Time Until Inactive:     -
Time Since Inactivated:  85877 seconds (23 hours, 51 minutes, 17 seconds)
Entry State:             inactivated (inactivity limit exceeded)

Finding Users That Will Become Inactivated

There is an option (-g TIME) to return only the users that will become inactive(by inactivity) within a specified amount of time. So lets say you want to find users that are going to become inactivated within the next 24 hours, you would do the following:

ns-accountstatus.pl -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -f "(uid=*)" -V -g 86400

Entry:                   uid=mark,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Entry Creation Date:     20160204153140Z (02/04/2016 10:31:40)
Entry Modification Date: 20160205163904Z (02/05/2016 11:39:04)
Last Login Date:         20160205163905Z (01/05/2016 11:39:05)
Inactivity Limit:        2592000 seconds (30 days)
Time Until Inactive:     979 seconds (16 minutes, 19 seconds)
Time Since Inactive:     -
Entry State:             activated

Common Times

Updates to ns-activate.pl

The only change to this tool is that it can now detect when an account is inactive due to the Account Policy Plugin’s inactivity limit, and it can properly activate that entry by reseting the “lastLoginTime” to the current time.


Here are the new command line tool parameters for the new features for ns-accountstatus.pl:

Searching Parameters (ignores "-I DN")
-b SUFFIX     - The database suffix to query
-s SCOPE      - The search scope: base, one, sub.  The default is "sub"
-f FILTER     - The search filter

Other Parameters
-V          - Verbose output
-i          - Only display users that are already inactivated
-g TIME     - Only display users that will become inactive within the specified time(in seconds) 

Feature Management

CLI tools.

Major configuration options and enablement



No Impact.

Updates and Upgrades

No impact on upgrades/updates.



External Impact

No external impact.

RFE Author

Mark Reynolds mreynolds@redhat.com

Last modified on 2 April 2024